Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our Hearts & Prayers go out to the Lusk Family

Jeremy Lusk crashed last night at the X-Knights contest in Costa Rica and is in critical condition. We have heard that he is out of surgery and they are waiting for the swelling to go down on his brain. It appears as if he under rotated a backflip seat grab. Please pray for Jeremy and his family.

An emergency fund to help defer the costs of Jeremy Lusks medical care has been established and is set up to take donations immediately. Those interested in making a donation may do so by visiting and clicking on the make a donation button. All donations made through this website, starting TODAY, are earmarked directly for Jeremy Lusks care.

- Jeremy Lusk was transported to Calderon Hospital in San Jose, where he now remains in a medically induced coma, in stable, but very critical condition where doctors are closely monitoring the swelling on his brain.
- Post-crash, suspected brain trauma required immediate surgery to treat a subdural hematoma on the brain.
- Surgery lasted 4 hours and 30 minutes.
- X-rays were done to the neck and spinal column and no breaks are being reported by hospital.
- When asked about injuries to other parts of his body, hospital is not reporting other injuries at this time.
- Jeremy was attended to by the head of neurological surgery, Dr. Jorge Ramirez.
- Doctors report that they will know more on Jeremys future prognosis within the next crucial 36 to 48 hours.

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